Chapter #211
Order of the Eastern Star

2025 Theme:
Love Blooms Here
All Colors
You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose
waters never fail.
Isaiah 58:11
Meetings at 7:30 PM on 4th Monday (3rd Thursday in December)
No Meetings in January and February

2025 Officers
Worthy Matron Amy Layman
Worthy Patron David Milligan
Associate Matron Joyce Patton
Associate Patron Lee Patton
Secretary Liz Hanna
Treasurer Nancy Buchanan
Conductress Ginny Winget
Associate Conductress Cathye Stewart
Chaplain Glenn Baker
Marshal John Rush
Organist Marie Paver
Adah Peggy Cunningham
Ruth Barbara Crawford
Esther Kathy Miller
Martha Claretta Baker
Electa Earlene Owens
Warder Bob Owens
Sentinel Gary Lanoux
Wm Amy Layman and WP David Milligan with the Installing Officers